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Yehya Saade Is Yehya Antoun Saade Known as a controversial young director; who created a revolutionary movement in the visual arts, film and music industry driven by his philosophy in life and his Surrealist spirit.


Once again a renaissance of vision, colors, harmony, and unity of image developed into a concept, Yehya the art director, taking his first professional steps. It was once said that before Yehya Saade the local market had not yet heard of Art Direction, some even said he was the first to establish art direction in the Middle East. His art direction, started as bold participations in fashion shows, photo shoots and theatrical shows; until he moved to the film industry. Yehya always says "I want to be the best in what I do. I want to be number 1"; and he was. Yehya's input in the industry proved to be a turning point for his art. He worked with panarab directors, artists, fashion designers and international clientele.

By Yehya Saade

Yehya's signature is obvious in all his accomplishments; viewers know it is a Yehya Saade vision, his images carry his spirit, philosophy and fantasia in one visual combination that says art directed by Yehya Saade. Again Yehya decided it was time to move on when he directed his first music video for Rahma, an Egyptian singer. Following this experience, Yehya waited a couple of years, during which he continued to work as an art director.
He says "I love art direction and will always do it". Aware that he could not spread his philosophy in life and make his voice heard, through art directing for other directors. Yehya continues his journey. He has more to say, "I speak the language of the new generation, and I know they will understand'. The opportunity presented itself in a song for Amal Hijazi, titled Baya3 Elward: a song that Yehya says "The song touched my soul, and said a lot for me". The music video though a hit, was very controversial and bold for the society. He was harshly attacked and criticized. This gave Yehya more persistence to move on, create his own style, and insist on spreading his believes. Yehya believes in no boundaries, and that human feelings should be expressed and taboos should be discussed. With every project, criticism rose, scandals fabricated, conservative shouts exploded. Yehya's answer was "today's problems cannot be erased by yesterday's solutions" It is time to break the silence, the wind of change must storm, and a new vibe will rule the world that will openly discuss the future generation's needs. And so the story continues, as people came around and the generation he spoke to listened. More people understood the messages and depth of his work. It was a pleasure to find people defending his work and interpreting it.

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